SiddharthaTibetan Terrier 
Page Two

We bring you this information links page courtesy of the Pet Professor, and trust you find it useful.

 A New Dog – Basic information on finding and bringing home a new puppy
Bringing Home a Puppy
Identifying a Quality Breeder
Reputable Dog Breeders

Dog Feeding & Nutrition- Interesting articles on reading pet food labels and safety issues
Interpreting Dog Food Labels
Things you should never Feed your Dog

Dog Health Information – Locate information on common heath problems that may happen to your dog.
Allergies in Pets and People
Arthritis in dogs
Antifreeze Poisoning and Dogs
Bad Breath in Dogs
Bloat in Dogs
Diabetes in Dogs
Heartworms in Dogs
Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
Life Expectancy of Dogs and Cats
Parvo Virus
Vaccinating your Dog
Why do Dogs Eat Grass
Coping with Pet Loss
Other Dog Articles – Pet Friendly House

Dog Training and Behavior
Dog Barking
Dog Bite Prevention
Dog Jumping Up
Dogs and Digging
Housebreaking a Dog
House Training a Puppy
Puppies and Chewing
Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Training Dogs to Sit
Why Dogs eat Poop

Locate Pet Professionals and other useful links
Pet Sitters
Dog Trainers
Dog Breeders
Cat Breeders
Pet Products
Other Dog Articles – Pet Friendly House
Pet Forums
Adventures with Fido

© Siddhartha Tibetan Terriers Ireland