A puppy
is one of the
most appealing
creatures on
earth. He's the
embodiment of
humour, and
affection. But
there are a
great many
things that a
puppy is not,
and these
negative aspects
deserve some
thought before
you bring a
puppy home.
A puppy
is not a toy to
be enjoyed while
he is a novelty,
then set aside
in favour of a
new diversion.
He is a living
thing whose
physical demands
must be met
constantly for
as long as he
A young
puppy needs more
sleep than a
human infant,
even though your
children may be
in the mood to
play with him.
He needs to be
fed regularly
and often, even
though his meals
may conflict
with family
A young
puppy is
breakable. Very
young children
can inflict
tortures on a
especially one
of the small or
fine boned
breeds. His
broken leg is
much harder to
fix than the
broken wheel or
a toy truck.
A puppy
is not a
teaching aid
guaranteed to
instil a sense
in children. If
a child loves
his dog, he will
probably enjoy
brushing him,
taking him for
walks, filling
his water dish
and other tasks.
A sense of
may well grow
out of the
but it is unfair
to the animal to
put his entire
well being into
the hands of
young children.
Even the
most dog-loving
youngsters tire
of daily chores,
and parents who
try to force the
regime will be
asking for
it is the puppy
that is the
loser in this
lessons are
better left to
household tasks
that don't
involve a pet.
The essentials
of feeding,
and discipline
training will
fall to an adult
member of the
Youngsters can
help with the
less essential
jobs of grooming
and walking.
Dogs and
children do give
each other
something very
valuable; time
and attention
that adults are
often too busy
to offer in
quantities. This
is the main
function of a
A puppy
is not cheap.
Whether you pay
a nominal fee at
the city humane
shelter or what
seems to be a
king's ransom
for a really
special pup, the
money paid to
make the pet
yours, is a mere
drop in the
bucket to what
it will cost to
keep him.
will be
Veterinary bills
to pay, for both
emergencies and
vaccinations and
checkups. There
will be city and
county licenses
to buy, and
there are legal
aspects of dog
ownership you
may never have
considered; not
just personal
injury claims,
but replacement
of shrubbery or
grass, or
clothing torn in
play, and
there's the wear
and tear on your
furniture and
A puppy
is not a spur of
the moment
purchase, or at
least he
shouldn't be.
The wrong dog
can be an
nuisance to a
household, and
it's much easier
to acquire a pup
than it is to
get rid of a
grown dog that
didn't work out.
Animal shelters
are bulging with
dogs that were
acquired for the
wrong reasons,
or without
If your
family has
decided to buy a
dog, by all
means take the
time to learn
about the breed
you have in
mind. Every
breed has
of temperament,
and some of
these traits may
not fit in with
your lifestyle.
Some breeds are
prone to
problems such as
hip dysplasia,
ear cankers, and
If you are aware
of these
problems, you
can do a more
intelligent job
of selecting
your puppy.
towns have
kennel clubs
whose members
are reputable,
and generally
helpful. Most
breeders will be
glad to answer
your questions
and to help you
locate the pup
you want. A
Veterinarian can
put you in touch
with the nearest
Kennel Club.
If you
take the time to
do some
before you buy,
you will know
what the going
prices are for
your breed. Pet
shops are NEVER
a bargain, no
matter what the
price, because
they often sell
pups of very low
quality for
show-dog prices,
simply because
few buyers
bother to check.
Always buy a pup
from a reputable
breeder; one who
has been
recommended by
your local
Kennel Club.
puppies are
because they
looked cute in
the pet shop
window, because
it was a nice
day for a drive
in the country
and there was a
kennel with a
Welcome" sign,
or because
another family
pet had died.
Pups bought
without being
genuinely wanted
- and planned
for - too often
end up at the
animal shelter.
A puppy
is not a gift
unless the giver
is certain that
this particular
pup will be
wanted. Not only
now, but a year
from now, ten
years from now,
and even then
the puppy should
be selected by
his new owner
rather than by
someone else.
The pup that
appeals to one
might very well
not appeal to
the other. it's
a matter of
chemistry, like
love at first
A puppy
is not
There will be
puddles on rugs,
dog hair on
clothing and
furniture. There
may be worms to
be dealt with.
If these
prospects are
intolerable to
the housekeeper
of the family,
then perhaps the
pleasures of
owning a puppy
will be
overshadowed by
the tension it
will cause.
breeds need to
be groomed; not
only while the
pup is small and
new, but also
week in and week
out for years.
The Heavy, silky
coats of breeds
such as Cocker
Terriers, and
Lhasa Apsos
become matted in
a very short
time, especially
in the areas of
friction such as
legs and flanks.
If the dog's
coat isn't
thoroughly and
frequently, it
unsightly and
The mats pull
and irritate,
and they make
excellent hiding
places for fleas
and skin
A puppy
is not an adult
dog. He has
neither the
physical nor the
mental ability
to perform as an
adult dog would.
He cannot go for
long periods of
time without
himself. He
cannot tolerate
harsh training
methods, nor can
he differentiate
between what is
chewable and
what isn't. Nor
will he make any
between food and
objects that
hurt him if he
swallows them.
He will try the
patience of the
most devout dog
lover in the
household, and
at times he may
drive everyone
mad. If he is
very young, he
will cry during
his first night
or two in his
new home. He
will require
patience and
from everyone in
the family.
A puppy
is not a puppy
for long. Before
you succumb to
the charms of a
clumsy St.
Bernard pup, or
a sad-happy
hound, or a
cocker, be very
sure that you
want not only
the puppy he is
now, but also
the gangly,
adolescent he's
about to become,
and the adult
dog who may fall
short of what
you hoped he
would be.
you've faced all
the negative
aspects of puppy
ownership and
still want him,
chances are good
that your new
dog will be one
of the lucky
ones who find a
permanent happy
home, and you
will enjoy the
rewards of
parenthood dog
rewards that far
overshadow the
Reprinted from
Better Homes and
February 1973.

For those
seeking a cute Tibetan
pup... I know
most of you
won't like to
read this, but
it is reality.
Be sure you are
committed to
your dog, or
returning it to
me, the breeder,
if it doesn't
work out. Even Tibetan
with papers have
ended up at
animal shelters.
This should
be mandatory
reading for all
prospective dog
owners ... if
you do not need
a tissue after
reading this
then you
shouldn’t have a
How Could You?
When I was a
puppy, I
entertained you
with my antics
and made you
laugh. You
called me your
child, and
despite a number
of chewed shoes
and a couple of
murdered throw
pillows, I
became your best
friend. Whenever
I was "bad,"
you'd shake your
finger at me and
ask, "How could
you?" -- but
then you'd
relent, and roll
me over for a
belly rub.
My housebreaking
took a little
longer than
because you were
terribly busy,
but we worked on
that together. I
remember those
nights of
nuzzling you in
bed and
listening to
your confidences
and secret
dreams, and I
believed that
life could not
be any more
perfect. We went
for long walks
and runs in the
park, car rides,
stops for ice
cream (I only
got the cone
because "ice
cream is bad for
dogs," you
said), and I
took long naps
in the sun
waiting for you
to come home at
the end of the
Gradually, you
began spending
more time at
work and on your
career, and more
time searching
for a human
mate. I waited
for you
comforted you
heartbreaks and
never chided you
about bad
decisions, and
romped with
glee at your
homecomings, and
when you fell in
She, now your
wife, is not a
"dog person" -
still I welcomed
her into our
home, tried to
show her
affection, and
obeyed her. I
was happy
because you were
happy. Then the
human babies
came along and I
shared your
excitement. I
was fascinated
by their
pinkness, how
they smelled,
and I wanted to
mother them,
too. Only she
and you worried
that I might
hurt them, and I
spent most of my
time banished to
another room, or
to a dog crate.
Oh, how I wanted
to love them,
but I became a
"prisoner of
As they began to
grow, I became
their friend.
They clung to my
fur and pulled
themselves up on
wobbly legs,
poked fingers in
my eyes,
investigated my
ears, and gave
me kisses on my
nose. I loved
everything about
them and their
touch - because
touch was now so
infrequent - and
I would have
defended them
with my life if
need be.
I would sneak
into their beds
and listen to
their worries
and secret
dreams, and
together we
waited for the
sound of your
car in the
driveway. There
had been a time,
when others
asked you if you
had a dog, that
you produced a
photo of me from
your wallet and
told them
stories about
me. These past
few years, you
just answered
"yes" and
changed the
subject. I had
gone from being
"your dog" to
"just a dog,"
and you resented
expenditure on
my behalf.
Now, you have a
new career
opportunity in
another city,
and you and they
will be moving
to an apartment
that does not
allow pets.
You've made the
right decision
for your
family," but
there was a time
when I was your
only family.
I was excited
about the car
ride until we
arrived at the
animal shelter.
It smelled of
dogs and cats,
of fear, of
You filled out
the paperwork
and said, "I
know you will
find a good home
for her." They
shrugged and
gave you a
pained look.
They understand
the realities
facing a
middle-aged dog,
even one with
"papers." You
had to pry your
son's fingers
loose from my
collar as he
screamed "No,
Daddy! Please
don't let them
take my dog!"
And I worried
for him, and
what lessons you
had just taught
him about
friendship and
loyalty, about
love and
and about
respect for all
You gave me a
good-bye pat on
the head,
avoided my eyes,
and politely
refused to take
my collar and
leash with you.
You had a
deadline to meet
and now I have
one, too.
After you left,
the two nice
ladies said you
probably knew
about your
upcoming move
months ago and
made no attempt
to find me
another good
home. They shook
their heads and
asked, "How
could you?"
They are as
attentive to us
here in the
shelter as their
busy schedules
allow. They feed
us, of course,
but I lost my
appetite days
At first,
whenever anyone
passed my pen, I
rushed to the
front, hoping it
was you - that
you had changed
your mind - that
this was all a
bad dream ... or
I hoped it would
at least be
someone who
cared, anyone
who might save
me. When I
realized I could
not compete with
the frolicking
for attention of
happy puppies,
oblivious to
their own fate,
I retreated to a
far corner and
I heard her
footsteps as she
came for me at
the end of the
day, and I
padded along the
aisle after her
to a separate
room. A
blissfully quiet
She placed me on
the table and
rubbed my ears,
and told me not
to worry. My
heart pounded in
anticipation of
what was to
come, but there
was also a sense
of relief. The
prisoner of love
had run out of
days. As is my
nature, I was
more concerned
about her. The
burden, which
she bears,
weighs heavily
on her, and I
know that, the
same way I knew
your every mood.
She gently
placed a
around my
foreleg as a
tear ran down
her cheek. I
licked her hand
in the same way
I used to
comfort you so
many years ago.
expertly slid
the hypodermic
needle into my
vein. As I felt
the sting and
the cool liquid
coursing through
my body, I lay
down sleepily,
looked into her
kind eyes and
murmured, "How
could you?"
Perhaps because
she understood
my dog speak,
she said, "I'm
so sorry."
She hugged me,
and hurriedly
explained it was
her job to make
sure I went to a
better place,
where I wouldn't
be ignored or
abused or
abandoned, or
have to fend for
myself - a place
of love and
light so very
different from
this earthly
place. And with
my last bit of
energy, I tried
to convey to her
with a thump of
my tail that my
"How could you?"
was not directed
at her. It was
you, My Beloved
Master, I was
thinking of. I
will think of
you and wait for
you forever.
May everyone in
your life
continue to show
you so much
The End
Copyright Jim
Willis 2001
A note from the
If "How Could
You?" brought
tears to your
eyes as you read
it, as it did to
mine as I wrote
it, it is
because it is
the composite
story of the
millions of
formerly owned
pets that die
each year in
Anyone is
welcome to
distribute the
essay for a
purpose, as long
as it is
attributed with
the copyright
Please use it to
help educate, on
your websites,
in newsletters,
on animal
shelter and vet
office bulletin
boards. I
receiving copies
of newsletters,
which reprint
"How Could You?"
or "The Animals'
Saviour," sent
to me at the
last postal
address below.
Tell the public
that the
decision to add
a pet to the
family is an
important one
for life, that
animals deserve
our love and
sensible care,
that finding
appropriate home
for our animal
is your
and any local
humane society
or animal
welfare league
offer you good
advice, and that
all life is
precious. Please
do your part to
stop the
killing, and
encourage all
spay & neuter
Thank you.
